Roles Other than Serving or Bartending
If you want to mix your passion for service and food with your business, maths, science, or other skills, there are many options for you in the ever-evolving hospitality industry. There are so many different jobs and opportunities in the restaurant industry, which go far beyond bartending and serving. Consider the following options in terms of hospitality careers:
- Revenue Analyst; this role is more prominent in corporate restaurants, but that is not to say that it does not exist or that there is no need in smaller restaurants. This role involves managing and understanding the cash flow in a restaurant. The position is all-encompassing and involves business analysis and business development. Finding areas of improvement and then presenting and determining ways to seize these opportunities or mend these gaps.
- Sales Executive; sales executives, are in charge of selling the products and services to local individuals and organisations. This includes managing the wines, beers, and other purchases which are required to make a restaurant successful in its operation. Sales staff play different roles in differently sized restaurants, but the position does have a firm reliance on mathematics to be able to negotiate, understand prices and make prices
- Accountant or Bookkeeper; as with any business, one of the primary business goals is to make money. It is essential to employ someone who is able to adequately manage the books and ensure that there is enough available money coming in to balance the money going out. Bookkeeping and accounting also mean identifying areas of discrepancy and issues with accounting.
- Bar Manager; managing the bar is more than managing a group of bartenders, and includes managing inventory, ordering inventory, managing pour metrics, pricing, product development, and other functions that require a massive mathematics acumen
- Events Manager; many restaurants have event spaces or offer their restaurant to those looking to host events. From weddings to birthday parties, planning activities is a multifaceted job. It includes helping manage the space design but also creating invoices, budgets, ordering food, drinks and timing.
- Business Development; using analytics, numbers, data, reports and statistics helps business analysts, and those who work in business development, identify opportunities for growth in restaurants, that can range from new products to better price schemes.