Trends in Restaurants Today
Types of Restaurants

Trends in Restaurants Today

There are always exciting concepts and trends popping up in the world of restaurants and bars. Here are some of the most unique and interesting trends today:

  • Ghost Restaurants; with online ordering becoming more and more prominent and accessible, and with the increasing number of delivery services such as UberEats, some restaurant owners have recognised an opportunity, and are eliminating seating areas and the costs associated with dining rooms, and are opening ‘ghost’ restaurants which exclusively cater to online ordering.
  • Catering to Gut Health; many people are focusing more on their health especially when it comes to what they eat. This includes gut health, keto diets, and other trends. As such, restaurants are following these eating trends and styles of their customers. Kombucha, keto options, farm to table and plant-based foods are all making appearances on menus across the country and the world.
  • Bye Bye Plastic; the environment is a hot topic amidst restauranteurs and consumers. Restaurants are making conscious efforts to reduce the amount of waste they produce. One area where many restaurants are focusing is on reducing the amount of plastic. This includes eliminating plastic straws and plastic take out containers. Food waste is another area of focus as well.
  • Fine-Casual; gastropubs, and restaurants with fresh décor and refined menus that are upscale but still casual enough are something that many people are loving. Great cocktails and wooden tables are going well together these days.
  • Open Book Managing; focusing on employment and employment opportunities within the industry is something that is becoming important. Restaurant owners are focusing on being transparent and teaching employees ranging from dishwashers to head chefs, how to manage the cash flow, menu pricing, product development, and other skills that may be useful in the future.